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Anointing & Pastoral Care of the Sick


The Church teaches that Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick, through the ministry of the priest is at the onset of serious illness.  This sacrament is offered for those preparing for major surgery or seriously ill by contacting the St Mary Office at 386-437-5098 during hours of operation. In case of imminent death only, please call 386-243-0299!



                     If you are checking into a hospital, you must specifically let the hospital staff know at registration that,
"I am a Catholic AND I am requesting a visit from a chaplin."  If possible, please contact the office at 386-437-5098 so a visit from the Priest can be arranged. 

Prayer For Renewed Strength

O Lord, my God,

Please give me the grace to maintain my hope in you

through all of life’s changes

and to taste and see your goodness.

I praise you for the gifts you have showered

on me for so many years.

Help me find joy in a renewed

strength of spirit. Please bless me with good

health, and inspire me to be a good example to others.

For you are Lord, forever and ever.


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